Re: [Salon] Really not clear to me that DC can run a successful industrial policy. America’s ‘Grift Coefficient’ is clearly off the charts. Everything is looting.

I think South Asians come to US because largest English speaking country. Very rare for them to speak other languages. My relatives in Europe either grew up there or had European  mothers. 

On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 01:29:00 PM GMT+5, Mayraj Fahim <> wrote:

I am of South Asian background and have friends and relatives from there in US. We are from an elite background. I have studied in British and American systems abroad. I worked as advisor to local govt. No one could tell I was foreign born and raised  as I spoke like an American.  Most Indians are Hindus from upper castes and as someone coined a phrase for them "triple selected"

Elites can thrive in any country. I have relatives who have thrived in European countries. Some even speak multiple languages.  

According to the Center for the Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania, among Indian immigrants in the United States in 2003, only 1.5% were Dalits or came from lower castes (Ray, 2020), while more than 90% belonged to upper or dominant castes (Chakravorty et al., 2016).
Caste Discrimination Among Indian Diaspora in the USA


On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 05:47:12 AM GMT+5, douglas crawford <> wrote:

From my perspective..there are any number of reasons, most difficult to change and ever present is the change in American culture....those immigrating in like my neighbors from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are driven to succeed at all cost to their family's and themselves...much as my great grandparents from Scotland.   Pooling of family multigenerational...and having ethnic societies(Irish/Polish/Italian/Scotland/Germany...)that help those in need..African American's never had the support...libraries of their plight are out there, yet when you live in a lower income are like I have-subsidized housing, poverty with mostly illegals and's a community of people digging themselves out...they want good schools..they want a better easier way...getting there comes from work opprtunities..networking..from commitment on the part of what family is left, including neighbors, church, and teachers....
Teachers and schools can become extended families with safety and food...and social pragmatism...(much of which has been morally diluted to uselessness)skills...
Hope the perspective is useful...

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Mayraj Fahim via Salon <>
Date: 5/12/24 8:28 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Chas Freeman <>, Clyde Prestowitz <>
Subject: Re: [Salon] Really not clear to me that DC can run a successful industrial policy. America’s ‘Grift Coefficient’ is clearly off the charts. Everything is looting.

I am mystified at the low reading proficiency rate. I was reading well above my grade level with no help from teachers or parents-just from love of reading.

On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 05:26:04 AM GMT+5, Mayraj Fahim <> wrote:

True. There are good examples. But problem has matastacized. Retiring Boomers can work on improving public education. Maybe part of problem is the discrepancy in funding because of property tax  and the inability to get quality teachers as a result. Also teacher pay needs to be raised.

On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 04:34:30 AM GMT+5, Clyde Prestowitz <> wrote:

Again, all good and important points that must be addressed. But experience suggests answers to me. My brother built a Charter School in the slums of Wilmington Delaware (Biden’s home town). He has 600 students. None of them has an identifiable father. In any year, at least three or four of his kids will be killed in shootouts. Yet, his kids score fifty percent above kids of the same grade level in the public schools.


It is possible to turn the present education debacle around. My brother can tell you how to do it. It is not all a matter of inevitable trend. Initiative, determination to reform can turn things around. It just takes a decision to make some changes. Clyde


From: Mayraj Fahim <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2024 5:23 PM
To: Chas Freeman <>; Clyde Prestowitz <>
Subject: Re: [Salon] Really not clear to me that DC can run a successful industrial policy. America’s ‘Grift Coefficient’ is clearly off the charts. Everything is looting.


Europe is also now desperate for the right immigration.  Trouble is from where? India is facing the same problems as US: Thee educated are aging;while less educated will be young. 

The young in most developing countries are ill educated; and one thing all western developed countries have revealed they are bad at is capacity building.


I looked at school reform in US and found that  can fix financial issues but not education 


No magic solution available for

improved education in US cities


US education needs to prepare

for 2042 demographic time bomb



  A study of 2 generations of immigrations has found that  students perform worse after assimilation!

Florida Study Shows Immigrant Performance Declines Across Generations


US should have worked harder to address the looming challenge by the 1980s.  I think  past cannot be proloque. 

In local governments people are retiring;and raking knowledge with them. 


No Clean Water, Unplowed Streets: What the Public Sector’s Hiring Problem Means For All of Us


US has a decrepit local governance structure which is exacerbating this problem. Problem has maststacized and now workforce not there. 


On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 12:36:32 AM GMT+5, Clyde Prestowitz <> wrote:



Excellent questions and points. But properly handled immigration gives us a way of combating declining fertility that most of our competitors do not have. There is no good reason why education cannot be improved. Of course, it will take some changes of attitude, but great challenges can often elicit unexpected changes. Never give up, I say.


From: Mayraj Fahim <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2024 8:10 AM
To: Chas Freeman <>; Clyde Prestowitz <>
Subject: Re: [Salon] Really not clear to me that DC can run a successful industrial policy. America’s ‘Grift Coefficient’ is clearly off the charts. Everything is looting.


Woker shortfalls pinching so even want to bring disabled into workforce

‘Invisible’ no more: States move to hire people with disabilities


On Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 05:05:50 PM GMT+5, Mayraj Fahim via Salon <> wrote:



In 19th century US had capable workers. The Prussians/Germans  were a great strength; And they also improved the ed system so could have skilled workers. Can past be prologue when demographic  change underway and less capable and educated will be young? 

When America Was Most Innovative, and Why


On Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 04:33:10 AM GMT+5, Clyde Prestowitz <> wrote:



Those are very good points. I would not discount them. However, we did become the world’s leading steel producer in the late 19th century via a combination of high tariffs and domestically subsidized investment combined with a rapidly growing market.


I don’t think there is any reason, in principle, why we could not repeat this. We should be able to adopt or steal Chinese technology, we have a large market that could grow rapidly for EVs. We would need to put a timetable in place as the Chinese have, and we would need to change the union situation, and we would need to reduce the power in congress of the Auto industry leaders by greatly limiting what they can do by way of political donations. Challenging demands, but not impossible under the right leadership I think. Clyde


From: Mayraj Fahim <>
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 2:26 PM
To: Clyde Prestowitz <>; Chas Freeman <>
Subject: Re: [Salon] Really not clear to me that DC can run a successful industrial policy. America’s ‘Grift Coefficient’ is clearly off the charts. Everything is looting.


In the past, US had owners' capitalism now it is sinking further into grifting managerial capitalism. 


On Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 07:47:30 PM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:



I agree.  We did industrial policy very successfully until we developed an ideological allergy to it.  That didn't happen spontaneously.  It had a lot of help from corporate lobbying and propaganda.


That was then.  This is now.  The same is true, I believe, with protectionist measures.  When applied to a developing technology in an infant industry they can enable the industry to grow and --if there is domestic competition -- innovate and become more competitive.  But industries dying because they are no longer competitive or very innovative because they are operating in an oligopolistic environment do not become more vigorous if protected from foreign competition.  They can be kept alive but only at considerable public expense.  Our automobile industry is a case in point.  Loss of competitiveness, followed by protectionist quotas and tariffs, followed by bailouts.  The way to preserve a healthy domestic auto industry proved to be to encourage foreign producers to produce here.  We are attempting to replicate this approach with our moribund semiconductor industry.  I am skeptical that this will work -- for reasons you and I have discussed.  But I am quite sure that shutting Chinese EVs may allow our automakers to survive but it will not revive their competitiveness and we will simply lose access to a technology that will become everywhere else ubiquitous.




On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 12:50 AM Clyde Prestowitz <> wrote:

It is a good point to raise, but we did win WWII and the Cold War and got to the Moon, and invented the semiconductor industry and more.


I think it is not that we can’t do industrial policy but rather that our business and industrial leaders have gained such enormous political influence that they distort and divert the policies we attempt.


I have had a lot of experience in this area in Europe, Asia, and the U.S. The Asian and European corporations do not have the control of government that U.S. corporations have. The U.S. has been a champion in industrial policy when the chips have really been down and the corporations do not control the government or have much power to intervene.


Best, Clyde


From: Salon <> On Behalf Of Chas Freeman via Salon
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 9:05 PM
Subject: [Salon] Really not clear to me that DC can run a successful industrial policy. America’s ‘Grift Coefficient’ is clearly off the charts. Everything is looting.


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